- 1 1/2 cups Plain flour
- 3 teaspoons Icing sugar
- 140 grams Butter
- 1 Egg yolk, lightly beaten
- 2 tablespoons Water, approximately
- 1/2 cup Cornflour
- 1 cup Castor sugar
- 1/2 cup Lemon juice
- 1 1/4 cups Water
- 2 teaspoons Grated lemon rind
- 3 Egg yolks
- 60 grams Unsalted butter
- 3 Egg whites
- 1/2 cup Castor sugar
Lightly grease 24cm flan tin.
Sift flour and icing sugar into bowl, rub in butter. Add yolk and enough water to make ingredients cling together. Press dough into ball, knead gently on lightly floured surface until smooth; cover, refrigerate 30 minutes.
Roll dough on lightly floured surface large enough to line prepared tin; trim edges. Place tin on oven tray, line pastry with paper, fill with dried beans or rice. Bake in moderately hot oven 10 minutes, remove paper and beans, bake further 10 minutes or until pastry is lightly browned; cool to room temperature.
Spread filling into pastry case, top with meringue. Bake in moderate oven about 5 minutes or until meringue is lightly browned. Stand 5 minutes before serving.
Combine cornflour and sugar in pan, gradually stir in juice and water, stir until smooth. Sit over heat until mixture boils and thickens (mixture should be very thick). Reduce heat, simmer, stiring 30 seconds. Remove from heat, quickly stir in rind, yolks and butter, stir until butter is melted; cover, cool to room temperature.
Beat egg whites in a small bowl with electric mixer until soft peaks form, gradually add sugar, beat until dissolved between additions.
Recipe from "Sweet Old-fashioned Favourites" (Australian Women's Weekly), p71.