My journey to the dark side is almost complete…

Well, after much waiting I have finally taken the plunge…

Yesterday I ordered a 20″ G5 iMac


Stats are as follows

  • 20″ Display ( 16:10 )
  • G5 1.8GHz
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 250 GB HDD
  • DVD Burner
  • Bluetooth
  • 802.11g
  • Bluetooth Keyboard & mouse

This cost the princely sum of $4002.65 due to a developer discount from Apple and purchasing the RAM from Streetwise

Hopefully this will be the first, but not only, Apple to become a member of the Drysdale Collective.

With a little luck we should be adding a Mac Mini in the near future for Viv.

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Ice Ice Baby ….

I’m changing jobs!!!!

Yesterday I resigned from my position as Software Engineer with Dexion Integrated Systems, I have been working with DIS ( nee DS+, nee Custom Software ) for the better part of the last 9 years.

During this time I have been involved in the design, implementation, commissioning and support of warehousing solutions for a number of large companies.

Some of the companies I have worked with

  • ST Microelectronics
  • Entertainment Distribution Company (EDC)
  • Gillette
  • Reckitt Benkiser
  • Woolworths
  • Supercheap Auto
  • Mayne Logistics
  • Cork International

As of the 1st of March, I will be working as a Software Engineer for IceTV developing Value Added products for PVRs

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It only takes a second…

How often do we hear a parent on TV saying

“I only took my eyes off him for a second….”

Words like these often form the lead in to a story about a tragedy that could easily have been avoided.

So, why am I telling you this??

This morning Seth took a tumble down the stairs, no damage was done save for a bruise on his otherwise perfect face.

No doubt this will be the first of many scrapes, bumps and bruises that he will incurr on the perilous journey to adulthood.

Last weekend we bought a gate for the top of the stairs from Babies Galore at Westfield Hornsby.


At the bottom of the stairs we have a big wooden barrier that slides into grooves on the wall and banister, it is extremely effective but a bugger to open and close, especially with the bub in one hand and the barrier in the other, it is also easy to forget to put it up when you bring the little guy down in the morning ( or after a nap ).

This weekend we’ll be popping into Babies Galore and picking up another gate for the base of the stairs, it’s much easier to remember to close a gate and we should be able to avoid any further stair diving from the little guy.

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My next TV….

Imagine a large HiDef TV, the thickness of a plasma, but the display quality of a CRT….

Here it is Flat-Panel SED they use significantly less juice then the current TV technologies as well.

Of course they cost a crack load at the moment so I guess I’ll be getting one around 2038.

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Microsoft's AntiSpyware hit by Spyware

You’ve got to love this one……

M$ AntiSpyware application can be disabled by a recently discovered Trojan horse.

Microsoft’s AntiSpyware hit by a Spyware

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Pepper Computer

I stumbled on a new gadget today called the Pepper Computer, basically a wireless web-pad running Linux on an Intel PXA270 CPU.

The feature set looks good, the use of Linux as the OS suggests that it might be hackable, a bit pricey at US$899 but certainly something to keep an eye on.

It can double as a remote control as well so I guess if the Remote software is decent then it might appeal to users who want a Pronto on steroids…

According to the Pepper Technology page, the apps are all written in Java and the pages are XML and are then transformed via XSLT to XHTML or XUL to be rendered by the Gecko engine, skinning is handled using CSS.

It certainly sounds like they’ve done their homework, the Pepper can handle JPEG, PNG, GIF, MP3, AAC, WMA, WAV, MPEG1, MPEG2 and MPEG4 so all the bases have been convered from a multimedia standpoint.

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Another one bites the dust…

A few days ago it was announced that UPN will be cancelling Star Trek Enterprise at the end of the current season.

Fan groups are trying to rally support to keep it going, see this link for details.

Unfortunately I fear they are doomed to fail.

It saddens me to see that quality Sci-Fi shows like Enterprise fail to achieve the required ratings to remain viable when a never ending stream of crap shows flood the airwaves every day.

It seems to me that people as a whole are getting dumber and less sophisticated in their entertainment tastes, what can those of us who like to stretch our minds a little and dream of possibilities yet to come do?

Perhaps we should give up, have a lobotomy and join the unwashed masses on the couch watching Survivor, Big Brother, Football or some other mindless crap.

At least that way I could forget about Linux and Mac OSX and just live with windows like the other 90% of the computer users in the world.

For the moment I can take heart that we still have Stargate SG-1 & Atlantis ( for at least one more season each ) and keep my fingers crossed that they make another series of Battlestar Galactica……

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Construction is progressing well…

Viv, Mum and I went to Westmead Hospital today for the 18 week ultrasound for “goober”.
We thought that Viv was approx 19 weeks into the pregnancy but after measuring various bits the ultrasound suggested that she was really approx 21 weeks.

It appears that all the right bits are there and there is no sign of abnormality which is wonderful.

We asked for the sex of the little one and both the sonographer and the Doctor are convinced that goober is a boy.

So, without further ado, please give a warm welcome to

Callum David Drysdale

he is due to make his debut sometime in the first half of June.


Interested parties can check out our Photo Gallery.

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Teeny Tizzies

Riddle me this Batman..

When I come home of an evening, Seth charges over to me ( sort of a crawling charge anyway ) and pulls himself up on my legs, I then have to pick him up and give him a cuddle.

If, after that, I try to leave his sight then he bursts into tears, clearly he is pleased to see me.

However, if I try and give him a kiss ( or Tizzy as we say at our place ), at best he will turn his head away and at worst he tries to gouge out my eyes.

Now, Viv doesn’t seem to be subject to the line of sight restrictions that I am, but, and it’s a big BUT, she gets at least 3-5 Tizzies a day from the little guy.

So, what gives???

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The Magic of NeXTSTEP

I was reading an Article on Slashdot yesterday about a video of Steve Jobs demonstrating NeXTSTEP 3.0, the video shows the advanced GUI, networking and collaboration features as well as the speed and ease of developing apps on the platform.

Most of the technology in NeXTSTEP has made it into the current Mac OS (OSX), I was doing a little development on a Mac a few months ago and found it amusing that most of the system APIs contained functions named NS_xxxxxx showing the links to the NeXT codebase.

The demo of application building was almost identical to the current application building framework ( XCode ) seen in OSX ( albiet with more eye candy ).

The NeXT and Mac OSX have a series of libraries called Kits that encapsulate various functions of the underlying OS, there is a Networking Kit, a Web Kit etc and this rich set of libraries ( along with a concept of modular design ) are responsible for the flexiblity and tight integration of the software on OSX.

If only technical excellence guaranteed success then Apple would have a hell of a bright future. Alas, as Sony found out with Betamax, it’s all about the marketing…..

NOTE: For those who would like to have a play with the NeXT environment without buying a Mac, you can check out GNUstep, which is based on the OpenStep specification originally created by NeXT.

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