It's a boy….

Well, finally the event we’ve all been waiting for, the birth of number 2.

At approx. 11:48am on 21/06/2005 an icky, squirming, crying bundle of joy burst forth into the world.

Officially he is called

Callum David Drysdale

but we’ve already nicknamed him “Squeaker” in honour of his funny squeaky little cry that is reminiscent of a baby bird begging mum for a worm.


Now I just need squeaker and Viv to come home, hopefully this will happen on Saturday.

UPDATE: I realised after I posted this that I had forgotten to include the usual statistics so here they are.

  • Weight: 3.790Kg (8 lbs 5oz)
  • Head: 38cm
  • Length: 49cm
Posted in Fatherhood | 1 Comment

Topsy Turvy….

Oh, my, God….

There have been OSX on Intel rumours since the very first release of OSX, but that’s all they were, until now!!!!

I’ve been offline for the last 5 days as my wife has been sick in Hospital and I’ve had to look after the wee lad, I got to work today and surfed to my usual nerd news sites and what do I find????

Apple are switching to the Intel line of processors starting next year, they have a preview of Tiger that runs on a Pentium 4 and have released a new version of XCode ( the Apple development tools ) that produces binaries that will run on OSX on PPC or x86.

Have a look at the following links for more info

Mac Rumors

The Register


Apple Developer Site

From what I’ve seen the plan for Apple is to just replace the CPUs in their products with x86 chips, but once they start down that path there is always room to sell OSX86 ( my term not theirs ) as a box set just like Windows…

As a matter of interest, Leopard ( the next OSX version, which will run on PPC and x86 ) is due for release at the same time as Microsoft ships Longhorn…..

Let the speculation begin.

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Two articles in as many days

Maybe I need a new section devoted to IceTV with two posts in two days.

The article below isn’t specifically about us but there is a reasonable piece about us in the middle of it.

Welcome to the war – The Edge

Here’s to the coming of the new Ice Age 🙂

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Choice Magazine Online Review

Continuing from my posting about the Financial Review article on IceTV here is a review from Choice Magazine

Electronic TV program guide

For those who may feel that the review is less than stellar, remember, we are the only players in the market and it’s early days yet.

Windows 3.11 didn’t exactly set the world on fire but M$ now has US$30bn in the bank so who knows what the future holds.

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Ice in the Financial Review

As most of you would know, I work for IceTV as a software engineer.

We have only recently opened our doors to the public and we’re popping up in various media publications, there was an article about our hardware PVR the Topfield TF5000PVRt the review is fairly positive although the reviewer was really unhappy about the way that TV stations often allow programs to run over time so you miss the end if you record it.

Of course it is possible to manually pad your recordings by simply hitting the record button twice instead of once in the guide screen ( which will pop up the timer dialog where you can easily adjust the starting time and duration ) or you can use the feature we are currently testing which will automatically extend the recordings if there are no other timers that would conflict with it.

Subscribers to our service will have this feature very soon and I think it will improve their experience immensely.

For those who don’t get the financial review, here is the article.

AFR Article

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Are you sure?

It’s amazing how important those three little words can be….

On wednesday I was about to start on some major changes to the app I’m working on so I thought I had better make sure all my source was checked into our source control system. Seems like a good idea don’t you think?

Well, we have recently rebuilt our development machine and its IP address had changed so I checked the latest source from the new machine and manually merged my source into that directory, again I believe a reasonable thing to do.

Feeling good about myself and wanting to keep my working directory tidy I deleted the source directory that I had my code in, safe in the knowledge that it was all in our source repository…. [b]or was it[/b]??

In my enthusiasm I had forgotten that I had added two new files to my source directory and had not copied them into source control, these two files represented nearly three days work by the way.

“Why don’t you just get them out of the Recycle Bin?” I hear you say….


Because I used the “Shift Delete” method to remove the folder and this by-passes the Recycle Bin.

“Why don’t you use an Undelete utility to get them back?”

Because my friends, I discovered my mistake at the end of the day and the deletion was done at the beginning, and unfortunately it would appear that the two crucial files were overwritten at some point during the intervening time….

The only option was to write the code again, which I did, luckily it only set me back half a day, but it is a painful leason I have learned……

I’ll leave you with this thought.

When it says “Are you sure?” make sure you are before you hit OK.

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Beware the hidden proxy…

I lost several hours troubleshooting a particularly bizarre problem.

I’m currently developing a “simple” admin interface for our customer database here at IceTV and I found that certain pages would fail to load for no adequately explained reason.

I spent hours scowering logs, debuging our in-house Template engine, all to no avail.

The only things I noticed were

1) That the pages that failed to load had one thing in common, they contained some Javascript


2) That aditional javascript code was appearing in those pages, the extra code consisted of two blocks of Javascript, one at the top of the page and the other at the bottom of the pages, here they are…..

Top of page

function SymError()
  return true;

window.onerror = SymError;

var SymRealWinOpen =;

function SymWinOpen(url, name, attributes)
  return (new Object());
} = SymWinOpen;

Bottom of page

var SymRealOnLoad;
var SymRealOnUnload;

function SymOnUnload()
{ = SymWinOpen;
  if(SymRealOnUnload != null)

function SymOnLoad()
  if(SymRealOnLoad != null)
     SymRealOnLoad(); = SymRealWinOpen;
  SymRealOnUnload = window.onunload;
  window.onunload = SymOnUnload;

SymRealOnLoad = window.onload;
window.onload = SymOnLoad;

It turns out that Norton Internet Security that came pre-installed on our machines is configured by default to do “Ad Blocking” and it does this by adding its own Javascript code to the downloaded pages (see above).

Unfortunately, for whatever reason it sometimes returns an empty page instead of the requested page, hence my problems.

Disabling the “Ad Blocking” functionality seems to have solved the problem.

It seems that a lot of the security tools around today intercept internet traffic, it may not be obvious so be warned!!!!

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Happy McWeenie Day !!!

Today is our little boys 1st birthday !!!

It’s hard to believe that 12 months ago Viv and I were at the hospital and Viv was going through a day of hell trying to bring our little Teeny man into the world.

It’s been a very interesting year, sad times, frustrating times but mostly happy times.

I wouldn’t swap a second of our time with Teeny for any amount of money.

Not that you can understand me now little guy, but I want to wish you a happy birthday and all the best for the year ahead.

Posted in Fatherhood | 1 Comment

GTi – MacMini

How cool is this… A Mac mini and iPod dock built into a car… Sweet….

TunerTricks ? Blog Archive ? GTi – MacMini

It seems that the guy who did the mod does these kind of things for a living so it’s not the usual “Too much time on their hands” scenario.

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The Ig Nobel Web Page

I hope the various organisations that give out grants don’t stumble onto this site…

The Ig Nobel Web Page

Amazingly, these people actually do this stuff for a living.

Next time your boss lectures you on the importance of commercially focused work, think of what can happen when you let people research anything they like… It’s a sobering thought.

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