Category Archives: IceTV

Activate the wayback machine….

As you probably known my employer IceTV have been fighting for 3 years now against the Nine network in a totally bogus attempt to misuse copyright law as a weapon against a company they saw as a threat. We won … Continue reading

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Let The Ice Age Begin !!!

After a monumental wait the decision in the Nine Vs IceTV case has been handed down…. I will have a link to our press release once it’s online but for now here are a few links to articles in the … Continue reading

Posted in IceTV | 2 Comments

Lock it in Eddie….

I’ve been meaning to blog about this for a while, in fact I’ve been meaning to blog about a lot of things, I just don’t have the time… Anyway, the little fledgling start up that I work for IceTV has … Continue reading

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