As you probably known my employer IceTV have been fighting for 3 years now against the Nine network in a totally bogus attempt to misuse copyright law as a weapon against a company they saw as a threat.
We won the first round in August 2007 after an 8 month wait for the judgement.
Nine appealed to the Full Court of the Federal Court in February 2008 and won, overturning the earlier ruling in a verdict delivered in May 2008.
We sought and were immediately given special leave to appeal to the High Court of Australia, we presented our case in October 2008.
At 10:15am this morning the High Court delivered their verdict overturning Nine’s appeal and reinstating the original verdict, we have also been awarded costs for the three court cases.
As you can imagine this comes as a massive relief.
After three years living under a cloud we are finally emerging into the sunlight.
2009 is set to be a great year for IceTV and we are all excited about the possibilities ahead of us…
Watch this space 😉
Here are some links to the many articles about the verdict….
IceTV wins High Court decision – freezes Nine!
The High Court Full Ruling – Interesting reading!!
If you’re not asleep by now then more power to you…
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