Well, finally the event we’ve all been waiting for, the birth of number 2.
At approx. 11:48am on 21/06/2005 an icky, squirming, crying bundle of joy burst forth into the world.
Officially he is called
Callum David Drysdale
but we’ve already nicknamed him “Squeaker” in honour of his funny squeaky little cry that is reminiscent of a baby bird begging mum for a worm.
Now I just need squeaker and Viv to come home, hopefully this will happen on Saturday.
UPDATE: I realised after I posted this that I had forgotten to include the usual statistics so here they are.
- Weight: 3.790Kg (8 lbs 5oz)
- Head: 38cm
- Length: 49cm
Congratulations Dan and Viv. Nice picture of Callum. If the little pinky was raised to his mouth he would look the true evil genius (like his dad actually is).
Viv – you’ve got you work cut out for you. In 15 years time you’ll have three Dan’s running around in black leather and laser sightings yelling “We will add the biological distinctiveness of dinner to ourselves, please make it now. Resistance is futile.”